Craigieburn Residents Association
A group of residents who are interested in being involved in their local community.
Call Denis Moore (secretary) for more information 0401 369 311
Last Wednesday of the Month 7:30pm-9pm
Craigieburn Art Group
A great meeting group for all who are interested in art. Take on-board expert advice and share knowledge from friendly artists.
Call 0414 264 461 and speak to Bob Craig for more information.
Mondays, 3pm-5pm or 7pm-9:30pm
Craigieburn Rotary Club
The Rotary Club is a non-profit service organisation that provides assistance to people through a number of services. Join Community leaders who are committed to raising funds to benefit others, these funds are fed back into the community through various Rotary projects.
Call 0414 335 482 for more information.
Tuesdays, 7pm-9:30pm