
MS Meeting Group

3rd Thursday of the month 6.00pm - 8.00pm

For those within the community who suffer from or cares for people with multi scoliosis (MS).

Share knowledge, ideas and experiences in a friendly atmosphere.

Please call to register - 9308 1477


A.A. Meeting Group

Sundays 7.00pm - 9.30pm

Having trouble with alcohol? Does your drinking worry you? Is it causing you to get into unpleasant or dangerous situations? Are family members complaining about your drinking?

Going to an AA meeting is simple. There’s no signing in, no money to pay, no appointment to make. There are no intrusive questions, no obligations. Your privacy and anonymity will be respected. You’ll never be met with a demand to come back to any meeting or indeed to AA. You can go to different meetings as often or as little as you wish.