
English as a Second Language

Conversation skills

This course will assist with the transition into community engagement and participation.

Pathway into formal learning.

Monday’s & Tuesdays 9.00am - 2:30pm

Excluding public & school holidays

Contact the office for more details.

Classes commencing 10th February 2025. Limited places available, enrol now.

FEE: free for eligible ACFE funded participants.

How to Enrol

We like for students at CEACC to make a fully informed choice when enrolling in classes so we do not take enrolments over the phone, please feel free to come in and talk to our enrolment officer about our enrolment process. If you wish to have a discussion about enrolling in one of our courses our office hours are Monday to Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm.

After a discussion with our enrolment officer you can mail your fee to us by either money order or cheque (payable to Craigieburn Education And Community Centre) with details of your name, the course/program you wish to enrol in, your daytime phone number and email address so we can confirm your booking at a later date. Places are limited therefore we encourage early enrolment to be assured a place in one of our classes or programs.

The Enrolment Form

Completing and signing of an enrolment form by participants is a requirement placed on CEACC by various Government agencies for insurance, funding and educational record purposes. Support from these agencies allows CEACC to charge you a minimal amount for the programs you wish to participate in.

Proof of Citizenship

If you are enrolling into one of courses you will need to provide us with correct proof of citizenship; otherwise your enrolment might be invalid. CEACC will cancel your enrolment if you provide us with false information.


CEACC aims to provide high quality, low cost programs that are accessible to all sectors of the community including special needs students. These include courses in computer skills, vocational education, recreation, crafts, lifestyles and hobbies. If you have special needs, please discuss these with our staff at enrolment.