In 1992 gaps were identified in the existing services in Craigieburn. As a response to these identified gaps, the former Shire of Bulla, (now the Hume City Council), the State Government and local Non- Government service providers established there was a need for a Community House in Craigieburn.

The Shire with assistance from the State Government of Victoria, (Community Services Victoria), made a commitment to the capital costs of the building for the establishment of a multi –purpose Community House in Craigieburn.

The House opened on October 16th 1994.

The design of Selwyn House is multi – functional in order to provide a meeting place as well as to house existing community services in Craigieburn, such as the Maternal and Child Health Centre. A purpose built crèche is registered for Occasional Child Care and staffed by qualified workers.

Funds from the Department of the Premier and Cabinet made possible a planning project to see the development and implementation of a model for the Community House which would be suitable for the needs of Craigieburn.
