
Digital Essentials - Level 1

Wednesday 9:30am-2:30pm | Thursday 9:30am-2:30pm

Term 2: 30th April 2025

Designed to help learners understand the basics of technology, including different digital devices, their functionality and the ways they can be used to connect with others and access services over the Internet.

This course runs for 3 weeks.

*Check ACFE funding criteria for eligibility.

Full Fees: $219.35

Subsidised Fee: $62.40

Concession: FREE

Digital Essentials - Level 2

Wednesday 9:30am-2:30pm | Thursday 9:30am-2:30pm

Term 2: 21st May 2025

The next step, looking at ways to connect with others over the Internet.

This course runs for 3 weeks.

*Check ACFE funding criteria for eligibility.

Full Fees: $219.35

Subsidised Fee: $62.40

Concession: FREE

Microsoft Word and Excel

Wednesday 9:30am-2:30pm | Thursday 9:30am-2:30pm

Term 2: 11th June 2025

A course in how to operate Word and Excel to create documents and spreadsheets.

This course runs for 2 weeks.

*Check ACFE funding criteria for eligibility.

Full Fees: $156.25

Subsidised Fee: $51.60

Concession: FREE